the way you tell your story online
WILL make all the difference.
Make sure it’s A Positive Difference!
In the ever-widening world, the demand of livestream or webcasting events has increased ten-fold. In nearly every event, there are now options for a live webcast feed for those that can’t make the in-person event. Whether you are adding webcasting a a supplemental option for your event or if you just need to stream out your event, IAV is here to help make that process as smooth and easy as possible.
With the demands on company executives growing, the world of hybrid events is exploding. If you have not ever experienced a hybrid, event it is an event that either has a speaker streamed into to the event for those attending to watch, or in some cases an bi-directional event. Bi-directional events typically have individuals presented from two locations and attendees engaging on each site. So if you have a CEO in New York presenting to an audience, that same presentation can be watch and “attended” in Dallas vitually. Further the CFO could present in Dallas and the opposite audience in New York “attend” that presentation.
Let the team at Immersive, help make your hybrid event a reality.